What We Do

Helping You Navigate the Complex Family Law System


Areas of Practice



Going through a divorce is never easy. You may be concerned about whether you will be able to move forward in your new life as a financially secure individual. Property you once shared with your spouse will now be divided. How can you be sure you will receive your fair share? Although people often assume that marital property only consists of homes, monetary assets and physical possessions, in reality, it also includes marital debts.

At New Day Family Law, LLC we understand your desire to move on successfully after your divorce. We will advocate on your behalf to ensure you and your case are treated in a fair and equitable manner.

child support and alimony

At New Day Family Law, LLC we provide legal services to those seeking financial support following a divorce. Whether you are looking to obtain child support to provide for your children or alimony to help you begin your fresh start, we can help. When determining child support, the Pennsylvania courts consult statutory guidelines. They generally reach a decision by calculating a number of factors, including net incomes of both parties and the number of children in the family. Unlike child support, there are no guidelines which the courts follow to determine a "fair amount” for spousal support or alimony.

Having handled hundreds of cases, Attorney Beth Hackney Boroumand will do what it takes to provide you with the peace of mind you need. We have the best interests of you and your children at heart.

collaborative law and mediation


Mediation and Collaborative law can be attractive options for those wishing to make important decisions regarding child support, child custody and alimony without the court's intervention. When you choose collaborative law to resolve your issues, you and your spouse will each have your own attorney. You agree not to go to court, and instead work together to reach an agreement. The goal is to obtain mutually beneficial solutions for the issues at hand. In collaborative law, the attorneys will draw up documents and facilitate the proceedings.

These methods promote a framework that allows parties to effectively communicate their concerns and goals. This kind of communication is often lacking in a traditional divorce litigation proceeding. Our ultimate goal is to see divorcing couples come to an agreement without the intervention of a judge. When there are children involved, it is much easier to focus on their best interests when communication lines are open and amicable.

At New Day Family Law, LLC, we offer both mediation and collaborative law services to the individuals of Allegheny and Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. As a certified collaborative law attorney and certified mediator, Beth Hackney Boroumand has extensive experience negotiating and mediating on behalf of clients.

Helping families resolve custody, divorce and support disputes respectfully


prenuptial agreements

A prenuptial agreement is essentially a contract that two parties enter into prior to marriage. The agreement can include terms regarding the division of assets and debts if the relationship were to end. It can also detail how the parties wish to handle issues such as alimony (spousal support). If one of the parties stands to inherit a great deal of money or property, or has an interest in a family-owned business, the prenuptial agreement can work as a safeguard. Prenuptial agreements are also a great tool for second marriages where parties have children from previous relationships, and issues of inheritance or child custody and support may be of importance. A well-drafted prenup can save both parties' time, money and aggravation down the road.

To ensure your prenuptial agreement is fair, and adequately protects your rights and interests, you should enlist the services of an experienced attorney. At New Day Family Law, LLC, we have the necessary skills and experience to effectively help you plan for your future. We will work to write and develop an agreement that works for both parties.


child custody

Child custody is often one of the most highly contested issues in a divorce. When parents cannot come to an amicable agreement regarding a custody schedule for their child, legal intervention may become necessary. Pennsylvania custody law allows for both parents to have as much time with their children as possible. However, the courts generally look to see what is in the best interests of the child when determining a custody agreement. There are two types of custody: physical custody and legal custody.

As a certified mediator, Attorney Beth Hackney Boroumand will work to represent your case, helping to facilitate decisions that will benefit you and your child. As an advocate for both you and your child, we will work with you to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.


qualified domestic relations orders

If you are getting a divorce and have retirement accounts, a knowledgeable divorce attorney can help protect your share of IRA money and other retirement assets. A qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) determines how assets are divided. It allows an alternative payee, such as an ex-spouse or child, to collect money from a participant's retirement plan account. QDROs can be complex. A lawyer highly experienced in drafting QDROs is essential to protect your best interests. Our knowledgeable divorce lawyer knows Pennsylvania law and can defend your rights both in and out of the courtroom.

Attorney Beth Hackney Boroumand has helped hundreds of clients with QDRO and other divorce payment issues. We can draft the document and guide you through every stage of the QDRO process.